Monday, July 31, 2006

Out from the wolf stepped the sheep

Mahdi (Guided One)

Startled, yet not dismayed, this is what I heard:

'I have given to you the Torah. And when you needed reminder, I sent to you Jesus.
And when, over time, it became clear that my message had been distorted and to be used against you, I sent to you Muhammed, whose offering was the Quran.
And when at last, it too went unheeded, I sent to you Osama- to restore the pillars of my house, where at last the unification of believers would come into being under one roof.

This, in fulfillment of the terms of acceptance in which I have laid out before you.'

Friday, July 28, 2006

my dearest american

are you listening?

'There can be no peace without war,
just tranquility.'

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

subbionic Poetry 101

'It has become painfully evident that those people who continue to support the actions of the Zionist state of Israel, by all means should be considered a threat to every american and thus considered racist and 'Anti-American.''

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Angry Man

I am posting a link to Dr. As`ad AbuKhalil, a.k.a The Angry Arab here. Dr. AbuKhalil is presently the professor of political science at California State University.
Although it may appear (in our exchange posted below) that we do not agree, appearances can often be deceiving.

Here is our brief e-mail exchange:

Me: I've linked to you because you are the closest thing-- besides your views of OBL, whom I love.


As`ad: You love Usamah Bin Laden? I despise and detest that murderous terrorist. How could you?


Me: In the same way that 1.3 billion muslims love the prophet Mohammed.


Now, it is the hope in me that requires a better understanding of man's beliefs, and I do trust that to good measure I have attempted to do so.
To that extent, I am a very hopeful person.

Just the other day, Dr. As`ad AbuKhalil, a.k.a The Angry Arab made this comment on his blog, 'I am not a Christian. Don't forgive. Don't Forget.'

As`ad: 'And there will come a time, I hope, when Americans will also realize that Israeli terrorism is exactly the same as that of Al-Qa`idah.'

Me: But you say Al-Qaeda as if they have done something equivalent in degree and scope (to Israeli terrorism). Where is Al-Qaeda? What has Al-Qaeda done? Al Qaeda is an ideology that best befits the phrase 'fight fire with fire' - is it not the Quran which states that only as an article of defense ONLY that one can use force?

What are you referring to specifically that gives Al-Qaeda its definition?

Is it 9-11? because if it is you couldn't be more mistaken - and falling for what you seem to always brush off - the reality of western media.

Is it the US embassy bombings? If it is, then once again perhaps a fine eye could reveal something a bit more than what was presented by the 'Western Media' that you despise so much.

Was it the Khobar bombings?
Should I need say again what I have repeated above.

Was it the USS Cole bombing?
Was it the Anthrax attacks?
Is it what is happening in Lebanon and Iraq now?

Professor, what is it with Osama Bin Laden that you despise so much?

I sat at a red light on Westwood Blvd in January 05 as the Lebanese paraded their signs, 'SYRIA OUT OF LEBANON' and I made eye contact with a few 'men' there and gave them a distinct thumbs down.

So, did you think Syria killed Hariri when it happened too?

Do you think Syria would have killed all these women and children who pose as AL-Qaeda also?

Where is the distinction I am asking you between AL-Qaeda and Hizbullah??

You are a professor. You teach.


Teach me as I am one who is here and willing to learn.


Dr. As`ad AbuKhalil, a.k.a The Angry Arab is also a non-muslim. In fact, not until recent did I learn that he is a self described atheist.
Just like neo-cons and zionists.

Friday, July 21, 2006

We Have Noticed: Eyes Wide Open

Some people are aware that certain information is being controlled and used by a minority against the majority exclusively to further their designs of control (ad infinitum).

Speaking solely on the basis of analytic psychology, we have learned recently that many websites are covertly being used as data mining tools by this minority. Examples of such websites are 'Indymedia', and the capitalist enhancing 'MySpace', owned by NewsCorp, where the wealth of such information compiled is being used to maintain and ensure corporate dominance.

Such tools lay in the hands of those whose intentions are of a coercive nature belying upon the **Freudian model of psychoanalysis to which our American pop-culture has acquiesced as subject for the last five and a half decades.

The control of information with a suitable, yet, in this particular case 'un-natural' biological environment is presently creating a psychological manipulation through which the control of the aforesaid minority will have near complete control over the psyche of man without his even knowing.

To you, I hope to reveal the science that substantiates this claim- when the time is best to ripen.

As ever,

**'The teachings of psycho-analysis are based on an incalculable number of observations and experiences, and only someone who has repeated those observations on himself and on others is in a position to arrive at a judgment of his own upon it.'
-S. Freud

Achtung!: North American Union

The North American Union is a proposed international government encompassing the nations of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. It could be considered the North American analogue of the European Union.

The blueprint for this governing body was laid out in a 2005 report entitled "Building a North American Community" published by the Independent Task Force on North America, a partnership among the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an American foreign policy think tank, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Red Black and Blue

Former mayor of New York, and full-time Hillary and Bill Clinton supporter (among others) Ed Koch, was quoted as saying, 'I am proud to be called a Zionist.'

He also said, 'Those who only find fault with the Jewish people, the Jewish State and the actions of the Jewish sovereignty and never find anything that is positive are anti-Semites under the guise of anti-Zionism and anti-Israel.'

Friday, July 14, 2006

Starry-Eyed Huckster -or- Chavez the Goat

Hugo Chavez is my entertainment... he makes me giggle.
This is in response to the latest psilly rant of Hugo Chavez, when he said today:

"The fundamental blame falls again on the U.S. empire. It's the empire that armed and supported the abuses of the Israeli elite, which has invaded, abused and defied the United Nations for a long time,"

Chavez is a phony. Chavez is a Zionist.

Remember the word 'De-Stabilization'. The understanding is very important to our future and what happens next.

I take you back to 2004...
The Ukraine was experiencing its very own 'revolution' so dubbed the 'Orange Revolution'. Pictures broadcast around the world showed a few 'hundred thousand' people in Kiev's Independence Square in support of the U.S. backed Viktor Yushenko urging Viktor Yanukovych to concede his constituency. And this happened.

But alas came the tidal wave of truth to the people of the Ukraine in the form of the digits 9-11 (et al.), and nearly 2 years later the U.S. backed Yushenko is now pleading for his life whilst Viktor Yanukovych is becoming the most prominent man of the Ukraine and soon perhaps to regain the throne of power.

How could so many people have been so wrong???
Yea, that's life..

On with the times.
A word that doesn't seem to be in the vocabulary of Hugo Chavez is the word 'Zionism'. Odd for a Zionist not to know himself. Follow me friend, I'll show you the way...

1. Lee Jasper is a Zionist.
1a. He is an adviser and right arm to the mayor of London.
2. The mayor of London is none other than racist Ken Livingstone.
2a. Ken Livingstone is a Zionist.
3. On May 15, 2006, Hugo Chavez flew to London and met with Ken Livingstone.
3a. Ken said this about psilly Hugo, 'Chávez and Venezuela deserve the support of all who believe in social justice and democracy.'
4. Hugo Chavez is Zionist.

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Greater Israel

"The aim of the Crusaders' campaign is to prepare the atmosphere for the establishment of the so-called 'Greater Israel' state, which includes great parts of Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and large portions of (Saudi Arabia)," -OBL

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

subbionic calling

Monday, July 10, 2006

Adolf Olmert

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Jimmy for President

Jimmy Carter that is...

(even though he supported Zionist Chavez)

Friday, July 07, 2006

(Z) for Zionist

Running 'against' Lieberman(Z) in the Connecticut senate race, Yale educated Ned Lamont(Z) had this to say on the recent election in Israel:

“I think Americans now have a better understanding of the complexity of the Mideast and the environment within which Israel survives and prospers. So the first thing I think about the election is, God bless Israel for what it has achieved and has continued to achieve consistently for decades in terms of establishing itself as a democracy.'

And this on the controversial fence that Israel is building:

“I think that the barrier fence makes sense. Good fences do, after all, make good neighbors. If I had my preference we’d negotiate location of the fence…but right now I’m not sure Israel has anyone to negotiate with. I understand Sharon’s move in Gaza and I hope they (build the fence) in a productive way and that people think at the end of the day that it’s fair. But the fence makes sense in terms of Israel’s security and in defining the two-state solution.” - Ned Lamont(Z)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Chavez the Zionist

If we were to believe Castro is indeed a Zionist puppet, then his friendship with the 'revolutionary' leader/pharmaceutical king Hugo Chavez is quite interestingly boring:

Chavez urges leaders to consider moving U.N. to Jerusalem

"The proposal has the merit of providing a response to the conflict experienced by Palestine, but it may be difficult to bring about," - Hugo Chavez


The Zionist David Ben Gurion is quoted as saying (in 1948) that by the year 1987, '…all armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly united nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents: this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesised by Isiah….’


Monday, July 03, 2006

A Silent Coup d'état

I know of someone... someone in whom i trust sincerity.
And this person once told me of a relative who worked at the pentagon- and how on the 10th of September, this person in whom i trust received a phone call from that particular relative who did work at the pentagon... and this is what was said:

'Don't go to work tomorrow... And watch the television.'