Friday, July 14, 2006

Starry-Eyed Huckster -or- Chavez the Goat

Hugo Chavez is my entertainment... he makes me giggle.
This is in response to the latest psilly rant of Hugo Chavez, when he said today:

"The fundamental blame falls again on the U.S. empire. It's the empire that armed and supported the abuses of the Israeli elite, which has invaded, abused and defied the United Nations for a long time,"

Chavez is a phony. Chavez is a Zionist.

Remember the word 'De-Stabilization'. The understanding is very important to our future and what happens next.

I take you back to 2004...
The Ukraine was experiencing its very own 'revolution' so dubbed the 'Orange Revolution'. Pictures broadcast around the world showed a few 'hundred thousand' people in Kiev's Independence Square in support of the U.S. backed Viktor Yushenko urging Viktor Yanukovych to concede his constituency. And this happened.

But alas came the tidal wave of truth to the people of the Ukraine in the form of the digits 9-11 (et al.), and nearly 2 years later the U.S. backed Yushenko is now pleading for his life whilst Viktor Yanukovych is becoming the most prominent man of the Ukraine and soon perhaps to regain the throne of power.

How could so many people have been so wrong???
Yea, that's life..

On with the times.
A word that doesn't seem to be in the vocabulary of Hugo Chavez is the word 'Zionism'. Odd for a Zionist not to know himself. Follow me friend, I'll show you the way...

1. Lee Jasper is a Zionist.
1a. He is an adviser and right arm to the mayor of London.
2. The mayor of London is none other than racist Ken Livingstone.
2a. Ken Livingstone is a Zionist.
3. On May 15, 2006, Hugo Chavez flew to London and met with Ken Livingstone.
3a. Ken said this about psilly Hugo, 'Chávez and Venezuela deserve the support of all who believe in social justice and democracy.'
4. Hugo Chavez is Zionist.

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