Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The End?

In the next few days I will send an audio file to Atle, and in good faith he will post it up to hear; again I am fortunate to have made the good acquaintance, to which I am delightfully indebted.

This will be the last audio offering that I will share (for now).

Like 'Tangled Wantings' and 'Stonecoldbaby', 'One Wolverine' is what it says -and all my love to you- in the form of bass/guitars/drums/voc/record/mix and texts.
It was an experiment out of desperation and design; and I hope that it finds your heart - as from where it derived - because that was its' intent.

After that, the only other piece that I offer new to the dvd is the video for 'stonecoldbaby.' As well, I hope that you see it soon. It is the first time for me making a video to a song which I played all the instruments on...

...and the feeling is mistakably new.

With less than a week before I leave Los Angeles, unexpectedly, someone I have recently met has made me feel a sort of regret for the move...

and the best gift is a surprise...

(and especially when you think the world has it out for you).


Monday, May 23, 2005

The Plan

In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons,"
bin Laden's statement said.

"I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.

-September 17, 2001

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Test

click image.
(for a player click here)

Your computer is ok. The culprit is another.

Outside, the siren song of the car alarm is met by the siren song of an ice cream truck.

A further crime against humanity: day in and day out the truck makes its way around the street slums playing the familiar loop of a happy keyboard -over and over and over and over and over into the façades. And as it fades there into the dust, there is the fading in of yet another in the family of Mexican car alarms.
A helicopter encircles for hours, from which a white mans voice can be heard in English through a loudspeaker, ‘Stay in your houses,’ and neglects to annouce when it is safe to go back outside; so I am writing you from a Mexican, American run prison…

And the car alarm is of the cheap kind unmistakable by the tone of its whining, and likely to be to the car that no one would want to drive.

In this predominately Hispanic neighborhood, the ice cream truck driver stops the truck, but not the theme song, as it lures apartment complexes full of overgrown children, gape-faced the children who run to meet him. Singing dancing in the children’s heads, thoughts of sugar and milk, chocolate and cream bodhisattvas…

And the reason I have forgone nirvana was to stop the dizzying affect.

Children play in the sunny day Saturday afternoon, but they know not of what they are subject to. They cry and cry as the baby does, before the intolerable silence, trying hard not to forget that sedateness is kicking in.
Unmanageable and pleading as it is, ‘Whhyyyyy!! Whhhyyyyy!! Not these people!! Non Quiero Los Vostros Daggers!’

Cries of hysteria rip through and torture, erotic as tasting one’s own blood, but soon enough the sound of the ice cream truck will fodder, and the thought to children’s lips, the serenity of paps to another round of oyster bashing.

Many people cry, ‘Revolution!’
But when it comes knocking, they do not open their door…

‘And remember comrades….your resolution must never falter. No argument must lead you astray. Never listen when they tell you that Man and the animals have a common interest, that the properity of the one is the prosperity of the others. It is all lies. Man serves the interests of no creature except himself. And among us animals let there be perfect unity, perfect comradeship in the struggle. All men are enemies. All animals are comrades.’
At this moment there was a tremendous uproar. While Major was speaking, four large rats had crept out of their holes and were sitting on their hind quarters, listening to him. The dogs had suddenly caught sight of them, and it was only by a swift dash for their holes that the rats saved their lives. Major raised his trotter for silence.
‘Comrades,’ he said, ‘here is a point that must be settled. The wild creatures, such as rats and rabbits-are they our friends or our enemies? Let us put it to the vote. I propose this question to the meeting: Are rats comrades?’
The vote was raken at once, and it was agreed by an overwhelming majority that rats were comrades. There were only four dissentients, the three dogs and the cat, who was afterwards discovered to have voted on both sides.

- excerpt from Animal Farm

Friday, May 20, 2005


From the New York Times:
'Some of the same M.P.'s took a particular interest in an emotionally disturbed Afghan detainee who was known to eat his feces and mutilate himself with concertina wire. The soldiers kneed the man repeatedly in the legs and, at one point, chained him with his arms straight up in the air, Specialist Callaway told investigators. They also nicknamed him "Timmy," after a disabled child in the animated television series "South Park." One of the guards who beat the prisoner also taught him to screech like the cartoon character, Specialist Callaway said.'

From the neo-conservative magazine, TIME:

'This is Chappelle's second trip to South Africa. He first came to Durban, and visited Salim, in 2000. Chappelle won't tell me exactly how he met Salim but describes him as a family friend. A soft-spoken Muslim, Salim seems also to be something of a sounding board to Chappelle, who converted to Islam several years ago. While Chappelle is not doing a formal religious course in Durban, says Salim, who wore a simple cotton robe and hung back through the interview and photo shoot and only spoke when I asked him a question, "if he wants to talk religion then I'm there as someone to talk to." Says Chappelle: "This is kind of my spot where I can come to fill my spirit back up. Sometimes you neglect these things if you are running on a corporate schedule." The crux of his crisis seems to boil down to his almost obsessive need to "check my intentions." He uses the phrase a few times during the interview and explains that it means really making sure that he's doing what he's doing for the right reasons.'

For more info here

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

9-11 @ 9:11

Project for a New American Culture

Directive: Nationwide Awareness

10. On 9-11 @ 9:11, students are encouraged to organize walk-outs, sit-ins and hunger strikes – demanding justice for the crimes of treason committed on September 11, 2001.

20. It is suggested to organize in such numbers that would provoke coverage by local media outlets.

30. It is advised to create signs.

40. Students should use all the means at their timely disposal to make known this said call to action.


Monday, May 16, 2005

Zossima's Dream

‘We are all animals!’ shirked the goat, ‘And in the animal kingdom under God, law is survival of the fittest!’

His tail prompted by the slogan, flapped to the side and met with a slap upon his hide; a quite dangerous proposal but to the speed of a gadfly.

‘The more money that government has, the more power it has to sequester the peace…’

And Zossima knew at once that he was hearing a defense of government.

‘Government must control the resources that man has grown dependent upon most…even if to acquire them would requite the use of violence, and even if man is in a temporal state averse to its use.’

‘Speak the mind easy goat.’ Zossima said taking a step back, so as this newly created space between the two of them would be relinquished to what such a thought might demand.

The goat’s purr filled the void immediately, ‘Even peace activists contemplate a peace requisite of violence -or all their actions aghast…’ the encroachment intended to ease the sting from the intended wound.

For the goat knew his dagger well, and how it would affect Zossima.

He feared having said too much and bowed his head in triumph, slight with his hoof he tread into the grass, ‘If life were the choice of a lesser or greater evil, then by all implications, to preserve the nation in the name of ‘national security,’ violence would be permissible -and contrary to public opinion- demanded by natural law.’

His composure returned almost completely and anew to compliment his altered fragile disposition,

‘Even if we have to suspend democracy.’
‘And even if we have no other reason for to lie to the people.’
‘And even if, when doing so, many of them will die.’

‘Because it is our duty as good citizens to must oblige.’

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Dear Haim

The reason for this letter is because I read your blog , and of my acquaintances you are -if not the most inspirational, then the wealthiest of them all.

I am at odds with the Democratic Party with which, and among other things, you are philanthropist to; and likewise, I cannot understand- apart from the fear, how the ‘Huffington Report’ chooses to pander rather than to restore integrity to reporting.

Perhaps you too are aware of the specter on the streets today; as a growing number of good citizens are inviting a more comprehensive logic of 9-11 to entertain.

I understand that people may not act though they may know it is right to act; and so, in these words, an acknowledgement of the danger imposed by distance from the truth at hand - - surely it is at bay and moving steadfast inland.

Mr. Clinton, as an attaché, has held great company with you and your loving family and surely he has garnered many good things to compliment his health from it- but why does he too often abandon a good position?

The writer Samuel Johnson is quoted as saying, ‘Men have a solicitude about fame; and the greater share they have of it, the more afraid they are of losing it.’

Most recently, a particular number has caught my attention, so I indulge to share:

Just a few days ago, an SUV driver who evaded cops for 15 minutes in a chase, here in Los Angeles, was subsequently shot at 120 times. The man was unarmed.

And over a month ago, an SUV driver and his passenger, again here in LA, were shot at again 120 times after evading police for over an hour. The passenger of the SUV was killed.

As I had previously mentioned, I have read your blog, and assure you that I have found your words to be truly inspiring.

People look up to powerful people, and you are a mighty powerful man.

Haim, this is a fellow artist’s acknowledgement, and as a friend, a way to congratulate you and your family per the arrival of your newborn grandson.

May you continue to find yourself endowed with the qualities of exceptional people,
Your friend,
Sadie Coitus

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Einsteintonium II (the tall short order)

‘Americans can eat garbage, provided you sprinkle it liberally with ketchup, mustard, chili sauce, tobasco sauce, cayenne pepper, or any other condiment which destroys the original flavor of the dish.’ –Henry Miller (1947)

The extent by which people are in control of their actions is greatly determined by the supply of their habit’s demand, and by those delegated the control to the supply of demand.

We understand that it cannot be man’s fear that is habitual, but the actions that sustain him in such a perplexed state.

As the painter who paints with the colors on his palette:

The phrase, ‘We are what we eat’ makes it imperative to identify habit as an affect comprised equally of altered physiological and psychological states; and as the impetus behind this deliberation to action.

We regard food and the manner by which we eat to be characteristic of the philosophy of life that we practice; thus, the hasty nourishment synonymous to neglect.

We acknowledge then Fast Food -as a cancerous institution sustaining an ideology that permits war to be waged upon peaceful bodies. And if Fast Food Chains are ‘a common enemy to all,’ then by disrupting it’s very functioning -it is a wise and prudent step in the evolution of the heart and mind of the 21st century man.

‘Man like every other animal is by nature indolent. If nothing spurs him on, then he will hardly think, and behave from habit like an automaton.’ (Einstein, 1950)

It is natural for a man to be drawn towards fear; so may the good and wise man be the one he fears most.

And further we accede: to have successfully instigated fear- one will have first successfully disrupted habit.


‘One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.’ – Virginia Woolf (1929)
‘Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are.’ – Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1825)

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Dear Annie

I was meeting with an old friend to pick up some important things from him. However, I left without the one thing that I would have most desired and thought to leave with.

It all happened so fast.
And I don't remember having any regret-
So, I now assume that it must have remained in good hands.

Dear Annie,
Please accept my

Happiness is...
