Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Break In The Wall

With the blowing winds comes a recollection and a time to settle.

Not too long ago, and in a place very close to the heart, there existed a young artist who wrote an album that was recorded with a band, and that one-day, would be considered a great one.

The likelihood for his own popular success was very much expected and was, in large part, due to his talents with which existed a natural paradoxical ‘alienation’ from others. And soon, this ‘alienation’ became the perfect host for opposition- even tragically- by those nearest him.

For it was known that a riff between he and the band would eventually occur because of individual differences, and that it would be difficult to know the outcome of such a riff, but it must be said that it was indeed anticipated.

And surely enough, defiance would soon dictate his departure from the band- a departure made mandatory by the unruly nature and the state of conditions that were existent at the time.

The unpredictability of the artist was one that one might expect from youth: a challenging, somewhat humorous defiance that long not hesitated to act out against what might be expected - - a defiance much calibrated with youthful ignorance, and, exhibited by many people at some point in their respective lives – a kind of requiem for the imaginary voice of freedom.

And at that time around the departure from the band and leading up to this very moment many years later, people fell under the impression that he was such the unpredictable sort, as he was, that they unknowingly began to associate him with their greatest fears, fears that have given to many a name of torment. For his unrestrained curiosity to experiment even heavily at times with mind altering substances – eclipsed all other possibilities behind his unpredictability, and it was this very reasoning for which the band would give to explain his absence from the scene. And it was this exploitation for something factual - - which I am paying tribute to, because here in reality, it cannot pass for the truth.

And it is not known particularly why this young artist allowed for and eventually adopted the stereotype that he determined not to refute, but it is for certain that it became a further cause to his alienation and apparent physical deterioration throughout the course of the years.

The band wasted no sufferable duration of time in finding a like handsome replacement and of whom was by all accounts quite familiar and liked by the band -enough to help promote the debut album- and someone who proved to be a good creative collaborator from that point on and into the future. And in fact, they had already replaced the artist before he was told. Yet it must be said that, this creative collaboration though having contributed to the future successes of the band, was not the same kind of creative force as the newly departed artist... for the artist composed every lyrical piece except for one out of the nine lyrical compositions on the debut album- (a debut album that, to this day is heralded as one of the best debuts for any band.) And so, it was without question – a less threatening kind of force for the band -that would replace it's leader- and thus, a more suitable and pliable alternative in the workings of others.

In the respective time following the tragic unraveling, the band, as previously mentioned, did achieve remarkable success and even adopted the label of ‘psychedelic’ rock band, while the ‘crazy’ artist recorded only a few tracks before stopping altogether. Here it may be useful to note that of his various recordings, all would be marketed years into the future yet in the appearance of his prideful and youthfully handsome image.

While great tragedies will in someway become mythological over time, the more that this particular tragedy became popular, the more the band appeared to have regained what they had lost…

Every one that thought they knew a little about the original force in the band who had ‘lost his mind’ would carry forth the terms that were branded upon him – for adolescent crimes grow labels and names for the supposed benefit of others. Names like Schizophrenia, nuts, paranoid, catatonic and Asperger’s disease, but it is known to be that -to this day- he has not been prescribed any medication for his so-called ailments.

Yet, no more than a factual handful of people could be testament to the unspoken reality that had befallen our artist - - or the band for that matter - because not many people could understand the position that he found himself in -for good or for naught-. It has been said though of him, ‘the thing was that he tried to continue to experiment and change sounds, lyrics etc. without bowing to the pressures of commercialism…’

Likewise, no one but he would know the reasons why he hasn’t come forth publicly, in over 30 years, to dispel the myth and false accusations that followed his artistic name: Syd Barrett.
And not even did he break his silence to promote the second from latest album that the recording industry would put out, ‘Wouldn’t You Miss Me?’ from which I became familiar with his story, and which, I will add -was released to no fanfare in the U.S. on September 11, 2001.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Subbionic Army Newsflash: American Revolutionists Strike Again!

Praise be to the New American Revolutionists! For surely they are paving the path of righteousness that their elders have never known and others are sure to follow. And may they encounter continued Blessings of insight and patience - matched with the highest Instinct of Preservation Only when acting for the benevolence of his brothers and sisters who then will salute them well and pray for mutual successes in operations.

And it has been said, 'we Shall be One...'

The new breed of American Artist is arising from the shadows -to free the land from the reckless abuses of the tyrants - -for it is - - their Sunrise Revolution…

For a report from the People click here: The New Values Meal

Monday, July 18, 2005

Kill Myspace.com

Friday, July 15, 2005

Subbionic Army Newsflash

'If you wish to change the heart of man, you must then to alter his composition.' - jack deluxe

Bend, Oregon — Deschutes County Sheriff's detectives arrested
Nicholas Andrew Patterson, 23, on Wednesday in connection with a fire that destroyed the interior of the McDonald's restaurant here. "There's no indication he was working with any group," a spokesperson said.

According to the Oregon Judicial Information Network,
Patterson has no history of arson or violent crime. He has
been convicted of a handful of traffic violations.

Patterson, a guitarist, was scheduled to perform at a
benefit for Sri Lankan victims of the December tsunami at
the Sisters Coffee Co. on Tuesday evening, but didn't show
up for the performance, said owner Joy Durham.
For more info here

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Rock Star is Dead

(So You Wanna be a Rock Star?)

'They (Americans) have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government, ... it is Israel inside America. Take the sensitive ministries such as the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the upper hand in them. They make use of America to further their plans for the world ..."

For over half a century, Muslims in Palestine have been (by the Jews) slaughtered and assaulted and robbed of their honor and of their property. Their houses have been blasted, their crops destroyed…This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government that looks out for their interests and does not attack other people’s lands, or other people's honor.' -OBL


'We can say we can't possibly get the Congress to support a (Israeli) program like this. And they say don't worry about the Congress. We will take care of the Congress. This is somebody from another country, but they can do it. They own, you know, the banks in this country, the newspapers. Just look at where the Jewish money is.' — (General George S. Brown, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff)

Of course, General Brown actually understated the Jewish control of the American media. It is true that they control the most influential newspapers in America, including the top three: The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.
They also own the top three newsmagazines Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report. But, even more importantly, they thoroughly dominate the television and broadcast media, the two largest media conglomerates being Time-Warner and Disney, and their domination includes the network news executives of the main three networks: ABC, CBS and NBC.


Sunday, July 10, 2005


Psychological effects are likely to be most severe if the trauma is:

1. Human caused
2. Repeated
3. Unpredictable
4. Multifaceted
5. Sadistic

Friday, July 08, 2005

Ex-Mossad chief calls for World War

Thursday, July 07, 2005


At 2:00am (pst) this morning I received confirmation from my friend, who sends the final piece (stonecoldbaby video) in the mail today.

Without further delay...'How to build a casket' is completed.
Made from the finest steeples known to man...

On 7-12-05 it will be available and the new song will be posted.

How I couldn't have asked for better timing.


There goes one of the greatest stories in telling, for it was centuries old in the making…
A great family known as the Rothschilds, known for their vast collection of art – the largest collection of its kind…grew to be the most powerful family in the world.

They were so powerful that people would live and die without ever hearing the name ‘Rothschild’. But with all their power and money and art, they would never yield to knowing the Good of the Artist…

My dear American and Jewish friends, have you seen the power of greed yet again? For there should be no question as to why man would allow this to be done to his fellow countrymen...

Why, the Rothschilds had become so rich that their fortune estimated to be well over 100 trillion dollars, controlling countries and the economies with which made them up…
They were so rich that they controlled all of the media that the people saw and heard with the exception of a few outlets…
They controlled the information taught to what amounted to be billions of children over time…
They were so rich that, after having taken control of England, they used their power to annex a land in the Middle East on the Mediterranian Sea and named it ‘Israel’…
They were so rich that they made the Rockefellers look poor…
So rich that they killed an American president and his brother, and then the presidents son......without ever being caught...
So rich that they demolished the Twin Towers in what Was the greatest city in the world...in the hours of broad daylight…
and with the complicity of their American puppets…

And when Forbes Magazine listed the richest families in the world,
Like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds went mysteriously missing from the list, year in and year out….

And so like David Rockefeller who said, ‘I want to own nothing yet control everything,’ they were the bluemonster of people’s mind…

Yes, and the greatest plot they summised was that of using Osama Bin Laden for their own evil means…and incriminated him...as that was what the people thought they needed - someone to blame for their woes...
Yet this time, they were destined to lose,
And millions would die because of their plans…

Everything that you are,
Everything that you have been,
Was in part,
Crafted by them.

Now, on to Iran!

(and remember: god is in neutral)


Saturday, July 02, 2005

Read My Lips

It was a warm night and the sky clear in the blooming month of April as I stood watching a man cleaning the windshield of a car in a store parking lot. He was not the usual man that one could find cleaning windows with a crumpled up newspaper - - nor was he unhealthy looking or the clothes that he wore ragged - and perhaps it is unnecessary to give further account of what alludes to the memory of his nature: for it appeared that the man had an agenda that was beyond the calling of vice.
And so captivated I was by this man that I dared ask him what it was I wanted to know of him, 'I want to ask you a question,' said I, 'What do you think about 9-11?'
And the man continued the cleaning motion without pause for reflection, as if he was waiting for exactly that question in time from me. He responded in a woeful yet indignant familiarity, 'Bush shouldn't have brought down those towers,' and freezing then in position- leaning over the car- he turned ever so slightly his head and from the corner of his eyes made sure to catch my attention, which bid his disapproval well.

On the edge of South Central, a woman was behind the counter to a store, her name-tag read 'Daisy'. Daisy, a hispanic girl in her late teens had a peculiar way of dealing with impatient customers as I observed well - - that she was Genuinely nice. Daisy enjoyed the toil of work and even appeared to be such a rare bird- that it seemed as though nothing could shake her from the tree that she nest in - - and so with a good nature about me I thought to give it a try and shake it, 'Let me ask you a question...what do you think about 9-11?'

And Daisy began to laugh.