Monday, August 22, 2005

Sheehan's Last Stand

From: Well Reserved.
Re: In response to Mrs. Sheehan's 'world view' regarding Israel, and in defense of American 'Foreign Policy in the middle east (iraq war),' the Republican Jewish Coalition wrote the following:

'You know, as well as I, that Saddam Hussein launched scud missiles at Israel.

You know that he operated rape rooms and torture chambers.

You know that he launched chemical weapons at his own people.

You know that he housed terrorists as his guests in Iraq – terrorists such as Abu Nidal and Abu Abbas, who murdered Leon Klinghoffer on the Achille Lauro cruise ship.

You know that Saddam paid a bounty of $25,000 to the families of Palestinian homicide bombers.

You know that he was a threat to the stability of the entire region.

You also know that there were strong links between Saddam’s Iraq and Al Qaeda.'

So, if even half of what the Republican Jewish Coalition claims is to be true, Americans like Cindy Sheehan must then ask,

"Why isn't Israel in the 'Coalition of the Willing'?"

Their answer, 'Bin Laden did it.'

You respond, 'But Bin Laden wasn't a President, Prime Minister or a pilot.'


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